Poor little Bailey - he began limping on Monday night. I was worried that it was a problem with a herniated disc, but once he started licking his paw, we figured out what the problem was - he had an infected sore between his toes. Thus, he had to make a trip to the vet, get a wound debridement, a shot of antibiotics, and a 2 week prescription. He now has an E-collar and looks pretty cute! It's kind of funny to see him try to crawl under the chair, bed, etc., but keeps bumping the collar into things. He should make a full recovery, but must not walk to vigorously for the next few weeks (which he is excited about).
1 comment:
I know a pet owner who pimped out the health collar with those big fake rhinestones glued on. Its like a tiara. Its obnoxious. Its funny. Seeing a plain Ecollar on Bailey (get well soon, woof woof) brought it all back.
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