Does anyone remember the 1970s or 1980s commercial for The Clapper? Click on this link (The Clapper) to see the YouTube rebroadcast of this quirky gadget. Anyway, this morning I was hauling stuff out of the garage to take it to the King County Hazardous Waste Site. Up high on a shelf, I found a Clapper (I suppose I could have sold it on E-bay, but I thought that I would keep this one)! I remember that Anne had gotten one of these as a gift, and for a short time, we put it in the family room hooked up to the fire engine lamp. Unfortunately, it would make the light blink on and off when the stereo was on. Well, we don't have a ceiling light in our living room, and the wall switch does not control an outlet. Thus, when we walk in the house, we have to cross the room to turn on the lamp. Well, thanks to the Clapper, we can now just clap our hands as we come in/out the door! We'll see how it works, I guess! It does seem to be a bit more responsive than the one in the old house, mainly because the wood floors reflect sound better than carpet. Clap on, clap off!
Clap on.
Clap off.
Hey, it works!
Oh my gosh! I remember that thing! What did we do with it in the Falcon Hts home????
I see the flying bikes made the move to Washington! They have some milage on them!
I have no idea what happened to the Falcon Heights Clapper - I think that it either went to the Goodwill, or it ended up getting regifted in one of the the family Christmases out East. The one problem that we do have is that each time I add wood pellets to the stove, the light will turn on or off! Oh well, it's not perfect, but it's getting use nonetheless.
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